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Chaînes 4624 vidéos Offices de tourisme Taiwan Les plus pertinentes publiées en Français

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Taiwan Tourism Bureau - Time for Taiwan

camera Taiwan Tourism Bureau - Time for Taiwan

fr  Publiée le 24-07-2018 par KPIX | CBS NEWS BAY AREA

arrow 31 sec - Vue 296 fois

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Holiday Commercial - Taiwan Tourism Bureau - Time to Eat - A Trip To Remember

camera Holiday Commercial - Taiwan Tourism Bureau - Time to Eat - A Trip To Remember

Advertiser: Taiwan Tourism Board - Ad Url: http://taiwan.net.tw/ - No Copyright Intended - Upload For Informational Purposes - For Immediate Removal Email patricksource7@gmail.com

fr  Publiée le 01-12-2014 par Holidaytravel tvspots

arrow 30 sec - Vue 2637 fois

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China opens tourism office in Taiwan,  its first official presence on island

camera China opens tourism office in Taiwan, its first official presence on island

(7 May 2010) SHOTLIST - Taipei - 7 May 2010 - 1. Wide of China tourism bureau plaque being unveiled during a ceremony in Taipei - 2. Head of China National Tourism Administration Shao Qiwei applauding - 3. Taiwan Tourism Bureau Director-General Lai Seh-Jen clapping her hands - 4. Pull out from plaque to Shao and Lai shaking hands - 5. Wide of media - 6. Wide of Shao walking to podium - 7. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Shao Qiwei, Head of China National ...

fr  Publiée le 24-07-2015 par AP Archive

arrow 1 min 13 sec - Vue 65 fois

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Taiwan's first tourism bureau opens in Beijing

camera Taiwan's first tourism bureau opens in Beijing

(4 May 2010) SHOTLIST - 1. Yang Ruizhong, Director of Taiwan Strait Tourism Association in Beijing walking into office, pan to office sign - 2. Yang showing TV advertisements and a map of Taiwan inside the office - 3. Pan of Taiwan Tourism office - 4. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Yang Ruizhong, Director of Taiwan Strait Tourism Association, Beijing Office: - "Through these kinds of visits we can improve interactions and understanding between the two ...

fr  Publiée le 24-07-2015 par AP Archive

arrow 1 min 43 sec - Vue 52 fois

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Taiwan Tourism Bureau "The Heart of Asia"

camera Taiwan Tourism Bureau "The Heart of Asia"

fr  Publiée le 10-10-2011 par cnmarketing2002

arrow 33 sec - Vue 1120 fois

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La ville de Taipei promeut ses montagnes à travers les 92 km du Grand sentier de Taipei. - - AUTRES LIENS: - Site internet: https://fr.rti.org.tw/ - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RTI.francais/ - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcnw8ns6fcVdWWIPEMP3McA - Courriel : fren@rti.org.tw - - #Taiwan #RadioTaiwanInternational #TaiwanActus#Grand sentier de Taipei

fr  Publiée le 11-12-2020 par Rti Français

arrow 1 min 20 sec - Vue 101 fois

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[Taiwan Time Travelers] Taiwan Time Travel

camera [Taiwan Time Travelers] Taiwan Time Travel

Glory, Ivy, and Des will show you Taiwan as influenced by different periods in its rich history.

fr  Publiée le 01-07-2009 par Taiwan Tourism Bureau, N.A.

arrow 57 sec - Vue 257 fois

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Touring Taiwan by Train

camera Touring Taiwan by Train

Taiwan's convenience isn't just found in the big cities. Explore the entire island through the joys of train travel! Whether you are looking for the quickest way to go from north to south or a scenic ride to the countryside, the trains in Taiwan will take you there! To learn more about Taiwan, visit: https://www.taiwan.net.tw/

fr  Publiée le 30-11-2018 par Taipei Tourism Office

arrow 31 sec - Vue 102988 fois

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MITM Travel Fair KL 2014 - Taiwan Tourism Bureau KL Office

camera MITM Travel Fair KL 2014 - Taiwan Tourism Bureau KL Office

http://www.mitmtravelfair.com/taiwan-tourism-bureau-kl-office - Taiwan once created an "economic miracle" that aroused the admiration of the world, and now our 3C products are sold throughout the globe. For this reason, the impression of Taiwan in the minds of many people is that of a technologically advanced "industrial island" or "island of technology." After a traveler arrives in Taiwan, however, he or she will discover that this island ...

fr  Publiée le 31-07-2014 par Selina MITM

arrow 16 sec - Vue 202 fois

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TaiWan Tourism Showcase - AmazTravel.com

camera TaiWan Tourism Showcase - AmazTravel.com

Video provided by theTaiWai tourism bureau, AmazTravel welcomes guests from all over the world to join us. AmazTravel is an international company, which treats all clients with equal attention and concern. We are experienced in providing travel services for over 10,000 guests from many different countries every year. Our services include personal travel, business travel, exhibitions, group tours, hotel booking, ticket booking and more. While our ...

fr  Publiée le 09-11-2016 par Amaz Travel

arrow 2 min 58 sec - Vue 54 fois

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Upgrade set for tourism board's Taipei office(17.12.2010)

camera Upgrade set for tourism board's Taipei office(17.12.2010)

The Hong Kong Tourism Board's office in Taipei will be upgraded to a fully-fledged representational office, with an enhanced role to promote tourism between Taiwan and Hong Kong, says Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Rita Lau. ( http://bit.ly/eprTvx )

fr  Publiée le 17-12-2010 par ISD, Hong Kong SAR Government ?????????

arrow 55 sec - Vue 47 fois

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Taiwan Best Trip : our final video

camera Taiwan Best Trip : our final video

The Taiwan Tourism Bureau organized this summer 2009 a contest to invite people to travel to Taiwan. - Our Taiwaninside team was selected. Here is our video produced during the four days we spent travelling in Taiwan this summer 2009. - - Please visit our page http://www.taiwanbesttrip.net/group/taiwaninside/final/the-best-trip-to-taiwan-of-taiwaninside?lang=en and vote for us from Oct 1st to Oct 31st - - Feel free to make a link to our page.

fr  Publiée le 21-09-2009 par corne

arrow 5 min 8 sec - Vue 2782 fois

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Tourism Bureau announces winner of "Anytime for Taiwan" online video competition

camera Tourism Bureau announces winner of "Anytime for Taiwan" online video competition

The Tourism Bureau recently announced a winner of the "Anytime for Taiwan" video competition, which invited foreign tourists to submit video footage of their trips in Taiwan. The winner came from Hong Kong and his award was an around the world airline ticket.Using a selfie-stick along with a waterproof camera, Andy Kong filmed his travels throughout Taiwan's scenic areas. His video was eventually selected from 150 entrants in the competition. ...

fr  Publiée le 23-10-2015 par ?????? Taiwan News Formosa TV

arrow 1 min 21 sec - Vue 122 fois

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C'est les photos pittoresques que j'ai pris auparavant à Taïwan, je les ai réutilisé pour refaire une vidéo de diaporama.

fr  Publiée le 01-11-2017 par Chia-Yen HO

arrow 1 min 46 sec - Vue 153 fois

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LA 18 Korean Nite news Interview the Director General of Taiwan Tourism Bureau 04162013

camera LA 18 Korean Nite news Interview the Director General of Taiwan Tourism Bureau 04162013

LA 18 Korean Night News Interview the Director General of Taiwan Tourism Bureau. Mr. David W. J. Hsieh points out "It is time to travel to Taiwan" and invites Korean community come to Taiwan.

fr  Publiée le 17-04-2013 par Happy Daily

arrow 4 min 3 sec - Vue 223 fois

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LA 18 Korean Nite News Travel to Taiwan with LA 18 Celebrity Part 3 special 02222015

camera LA 18 Korean Nite News Travel to Taiwan with LA 18 Celebrity Part 3 special 02222015

LA 18? ???? ?? ?? part 3

fr  Publiée le 05-03-2013 par Happy Daily

arrow 2 min 27 sec - Vue 163 fois

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