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Chaînes 21431 vidéos Tourisme Guam Les plus pertinentes publiées en Français

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Welcome to Guam

camera Welcome to Guam

fr  Publiée le 30-07-2012 par guamfestpac

arrow 6 min 46 sec - Vue 962973 fois

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Beautiful Guam

camera Beautiful Guam

A video photo montage - landscapes, wildlife and flora from our time in Guam whilst stationed at Andersen AFB Guam 04 to 06

fr  Publiée le 10-03-2009 par jno03

arrow 7 min 39 sec - Vue 32646 fois

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Guam USA

camera Guam USA

A photo video of Guam shown with a classic Guam song.

fr  Publiée le 02-08-2008 par chamorromarine

arrow 4 min 46 sec - Vue 7081 fois

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Guam Fiesta - Tourism Promotional Video

camera Guam Fiesta - Tourism Promotional Video

A video short from the 1990s.

fr  Publiée le 21-08-2012 par 0ceanico

arrow 1 min 22 sec - Vue 5783 fois

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I Love Guam!

camera I Love Guam!

Terrific sunsets, fantastic people ~ A Summer of Fun in Guam ~

fr  Publiée le 08-12-2006 par Matt Henneman

arrow 4 min 18 sec - Vue 56157 fois

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Guam: Around the Island 2008

camera Guam: Around the Island 2008

fr  Publiée le 05-01-2008 par R jamin

arrow 10 min 1 sec - Vue 58083 fois

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Tourism Works: master carver Roman Duenas

camera Tourism Works: master carver Roman Duenas

Roman Duenas puts his all into carving. He creates works of art that express his love of Guam and the richness of his heritage. With his eyes and his hands he makes memories.

fr  Publiée le 30-03-2017 par kuamnews

arrow 3 min 5 sec - Vue 558 fois

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Guam movie

camera Guam movie

Just random shots around the island of Guam. The song is Rock Me by 56 hope. Enjoy

fr  Publiée le 27-08-2009 par Cory C

arrow 4 min 39 sec - Vue 14003 fois

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VIDEO: GVB Chairman Mark Baldyga Says Guam's Tourism Industry Needs to Develope High-End ...

camera VIDEO: GVB Chairman Mark Baldyga Says Guam's Tourism Industry Needs to Develope High-End ...

fr  Publiée le 01-05-2014 par PNC GUAM

arrow 41 sec - Vue 218 fois

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camera GUAM USA

GUAM Where America's Day Begins

fr  Publiée le 17-03-2007 par Tunu Guam

arrow 7 min 18 sec - Vue 44972 fois

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Miss Earth Guam contestants take eco-tour in Talofofo

camera Miss Earth Guam contestants take eco-tour in Talofofo

"The most important thing about this tour was to learn about how to protect the environment, so we learned about the river and how it's eroding, so we need to be more active and protect our island," explained Miss Earth Guam Beauty Pageant contestant Kaiana Artero, who was one of a dozen contestants who took an eco-tour of the valley of the Latte Adventure Park.

fr  Publiée le 13-01-2016 par kuamnews

arrow 2 min 3 sec - Vue 1837 fois

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Guam Cultural and Eco-Theme Park recreates Chamorro life 500 years ago. Experience a glimpse of Chamorro life and history, here in the heart of Micronesia! The park even has it's own beach and picnic facilities. There's a demonstration area, Animal zone, Ancient Chamorro Village, Visitor Center and Nature walk. Relax and enjoy your stay on this beautiful tropical island! - youtube.com/globalvideopro1. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE. THANKS!

fr  Publiée le 21-02-2012 par globalvideopro1

arrow 4 min 13 sec - Vue 56166 fois

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Tourism Works: Rita Pangelinan Nauta

camera Tourism Works: Rita Pangelinan Nauta

Managing Director Rita Pangelinan Nauta is just one of the hard working contributors at Guampedia who works diligently to continue providing Guam and its visitors vital information on our island and its rich culture and history. With their thousands of online visits and web traffic, Guampedia continues to be a credible and comprehensive source for tourists wanting to learn more about the island before even stepping foot on it. As a ...

fr  Publiée le 22-09-2017 par kuamnews

arrow 3 min 28 sec - Vue 145 fois

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Guam, Islas Marianas  - La Isla Bonita

camera Guam, Islas Marianas - La Isla Bonita

El Territorio de Guam (llamado también Guaján en español), es una isla en el Pacífico occidental, perteneciente a Estados Unidos como territorio no incorporado. Es uno de los 16 territorios no autónomos bajo supervisión del Comité de Descolonización de las Naciones Unidas, con el fin de eliminar el colonialismo. Guam fue territorio español desde el siglo XVI hasta 1898. Se trata de la más grande y meridional de las Islas Marianas. La capital es ...

fr  Publiée le 24-01-2008 par kuraku3

arrow 3 min 25 sec - Vue 80434 fois

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Agat Town, Guam U.S.A.

camera Agat Town, Guam U.S.A.

Dedicated to Guamanians Abroad and those interested in the Island Beauty, Culture, Tradition & Heritage...:)

fr  Publiée le 20-02-2011 par Anthony Guerrero

arrow 13 min 7 sec - Vue 84649 fois

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Guam enjoys record breaking tourism

camera Guam enjoys record breaking tourism

Last year Guam had a record breaking number of tourist arrivals. Who's cashing in? - - During 2014 Guam received a number of tourist arrivals that broke the previous two record breaking years. Korea arrivals were up by over 25%, with the People's Republic of China arrivals up 45%, and Russia arrivals up over 100%.

fr  Publiée le 20-01-2015 par kuamnews

arrow 2 min 16 sec - Vue 527 fois

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